E4 Living Deliberately

Learning to take control of your life with a bit of help from Thoreau, Kerouac, and Into The Wild

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." - Thoreau, Walden.

In this episode, we'll be looking at the idea of living deliberately, and how it can help us to make the most of our limited time on this planet. We'll begin by exploring this idea through Thoreau's hugely influential book Walden, before thinking about how we can apply this lifestyle to our own lives in a world defined by consumerism and technology.

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E3 Jack Kerouac: Beyond the Road

Exploring beyond the road with Jack Keroauc

In the last episode we took a look at Neal Cassady, the living embodiment of 'it' in the eyes of Jack Kerouac. Today, we'll move beyond the passion and the frenzy exuded by Cassady in On The Road to explore the path to transcendence that Kerouac found elsewhere. We'll find out how Kerouac progressed from a hunger for pleasure and kicks to meditation, solitude, and an inner tranquillity.

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E2 Jack Kerouac: On the Road

Going on the road with Jack Kerouac

In the Beatnik classic On The Road, Jack Kerouac wrote explicitly about the "it" that his buddy Neal Cassady seemed to have found and embody. In this episode, we're going to explore whether Kerouac was really on to something here, and whether there are any lessons that we can take from his adventures with Cassady.

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E1 Suicide and the Absurd

Albert Camus and the Myth of Siyphus

Albert Camus once described the problem of suicide as the "one truly serious philosophical problem". In this episode, we'll investigate why Camus found the question of suicide so important, how he answered the question, and the way in which his answer lays the foundation for the rest of this podcast.

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0 - Introduction

Welcome to Searching For It

Welcome to Searching For It.

Our search for 'it' will explore the most insightful thoughts from philosophy, literature, and elsewhere that provide a meaning or purpose to our lives. Each episode will uncover a new idea or way of life that brings us closer to transcendence. You don't need to have a degree in philosophy to listen to this podcast - just an open mind and a desire to learn more about the meaning behind human existence.

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